This isn’t the end but the rebirth of a new nation

Chances are you are scared and worried about the future following Tuesday’s upsetting election. If you’re like me – the eternal pessimist – you are likely feeling as if the world is over as we know it. I, admittedly, felt the same way. Parts of me still feel this way. Are we living in a dystopian, disunited America? I surely hope not. 
Truth is we will be just fine. It may take several years, long and hard fought battles with the few ignorant and bigoted folk that cross your path, but trust that you will be just fine. 

I’ve used the last few days to really tap into my feelings and insecurities. I draw most of my story lines and writing from my emotions. Just like the caterpillar thinks her death is imminent, we too must believe that the death and decay of one day will later transform us all – liberals and conservatives – into beautiful butterflies, ready to achieve our purpose in life. 

I urge all of my fellow writers, artists, novelists, people who feel every emotion deeply, to rise up in the face of this election, to turn the other cheek from our persecutors, and to keep on creating art. Follow your life’s purpose and don’t let unhappy people take your joy away. 

Just like a Phoenix, we will be reborn and rise from the ashes. Keep on creating, my friends! 


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